Mohammed Salama, Somaya Alhout, Salama Awadallah, Mohammed Habib
Background: Coronary artery ectasia (CAE) is considered an uncommon angiographic finding with varying patterns of presentation and carries significant morbidity burden to the patient. Objective: was to evaluate the incidence of this condition, to analyze its clinical, and angiographic characteristics. Patients and methods: retrograde analysis of coronary angiography which was performed in 8333 patients from march 2014 to march 2021. The clinical, angiographic, and follow up characteristics of 402 patients with coronary ectasia. Results: Of the 8333 angiograms analyzed, CAE was found in 402 patients, an incidence of 4.8 %. The mean age was 59±6 and male gender predominate 80.3%. Non ST segment elevation acute coronary syndrome was the most common presenting symptom (50.7%). The right coronary artery (RCA) was the commonest affected vessel by ectasia followed by the left circumflex coronary artery (LCX) in and then left anterior descending artery (LAD) and then left main artery. Conclusion: The incidence of coronary ectasia was 4.8 %. The majority of patients had single vessel involvement, and Right coronary artery was the most common involved vessel. This condition is mostly associated with atherosclerosis and occurrence of coronary events unstable including angina and myocardial infarction.
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