AK Al Miraj, HN Ashikur Rahaman, Md Magfur Rahman, Md Saif Ullah Khan
Purpose: To represent the clinical usefulness of duplex-guided compression in the evaluation and treatment of iatrogenic femoral pseudo- aneurysms. Case Report: A 48 -year-old man presented with a pulsatile mass and reddish discoloration of skin in right upper thigh several hours after discharge from the BSMMU hospital, and about 5.2-cm pseudo- aneurysm arising from the right common femoral artery was confirmed on duplex ultrasound scanning as demonstrated in Figure 2.Ultrasound-guided compression was done two times as an initial treatment and successful outcome. Conclusions: This procedure reveals the clinical usefulness of duplex-guided compression in the evaluation and treatment of femoral pseudo-aneurysm.
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